20/20 Dental Practice Blog

Why do I have yellow teeth?

Posted by Ronel Van Der Spuy on Nov 17, 2015 10:00:02 AM
Everyday life can leave us with dull stained teeth.
1.Foods anTeeth Whitening Newburyd  drinks

Acidic foods can erode the enamel of your teeth, which might expose the yellow-hued of your dentin, leavining you with yellow teeth.

2. Coffee

The enamel of your teeth contains microscopic pits and ridges that can hold particles of food and drink.

Pigments from dark-coloured drinks such as coffee, tea, and red wine can become embedded in those cracks and ridges and cause permanent, yellow stains on your teeth.


The nicotine and tar in tobacco can make your teeth yellow in a very short period of time.

4. Medications

Certain antibiotics for example tetracycline and doxycycline are known to discolour teeth when given to children younger than 8 years because their teeth are still developing


Mouthwash (Corsodyl Original) containing chlorhexidine can also stain teeth and should not be used for a prolong time. Corsodyl Daily will not stain your teeth.


As you get older, the outer layer of enamel on your teeth gets worn away, revealing the natural yellow colour of dentin.


If you had trauma that affected a tooth when you were a young child you may have damaged your developing permanent tooth.

Trauma to a permanent tooth, can cause internal bleeding or cause the nerve to die that will cause the tooth to discolour.

Teeth whitening is ideal for patients who have healthy teeth and gums who would like a brighter smile. Patients with yellow tones to their teeth respond best.

If you want whiter, brighter teeth ask your dentist about Teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening Newbury

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