20/20 Dental Practice Blog

How to cure wisdom teeth pain?

Posted by Ronel Van Der Spuy on Mar 13, 2014 5:15:00 PM

Are you having trouble, with you wisdom teeth?




You may wish to try to settle the problem yourself to avoid the time and expense of seeing a dentist.

Why do my wisdom teeth hurt?  

As the wisdom teeth erupt it is normal to experience some wisdom teeth pain as they break through the gum.

Wisdom teeth that have become impacted or haven't fully broken through the surface of the gum can cause dental problems.

Food and bacteria can get trapped around the edge of the wisdom teeth, causing a build-up of plaque, which can lead to tooth decay or gum disease

Your wisdom teeth don't need to be removed if they are impacted but are not causing you any problems.


Tips to try for wisdom teeth problems before visiting the dentist

If your discomfort is moderate, clean the area with a small toothbrush that allows you access to the area where the infection is at its worst. Using Corsody gel on a toothbrush is very effective. It may be uncomfortable at first but the gum usually improves very quickly.

 You can also use an antiseptic mouthwash like Corsodyl Original however,  Corsodyl may stain your teeth if you use it over a long period of time.

Pain can usually be relieved with over-the-counter painkillers.

The problem will often resolve on its own.

When do I need to see a dentist?

•You have severe  pain.

• Your face is swollen

• You have a fever

• You cannot open your mouth fully

• Your symptoms do not improve within a few days

How are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Your dentist may remove your wisdom teeth or they may refer you to a specialist surgeon for treatment in hospital.

Before the procedure, you will usually be given a local anaesthetic injection to numb the area around the tooth. You'll feel some pressure just before the tooth is removed, as your dentist needs to widen the tooth socket by rocking the tooth back and forth.

In some cases a cut may be needed in your gum and the tooth may need to be cut into smaller pieces before it is removed.

Can there be complications?

As with all surgery, there are risks associated with removing a wisdom tooth.

Infection or delayed healing, are more likely to occur if you smoke during your recovery.

‘Dry socket’, which is a dull, aching sensation in your gum or jaw, and sometimes a bad smell or taste coming from the empty tooth socket. It can be prevented by following the after-care instructions given by your dentist.

There is also a small risk of nerve damage, which can cause problems such as pain or a tingling sensation and numbness in the tongue, lower lip, chin, teeth and gums. This is usually temporary, but it can be permanent in some cases.


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